Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Seven Deadly Rants of the Times Square Jesus Bum Found in the Bible

I.   "You think you know God.  But I'm the only one 
      who knows God.  If I say I don't know God,
      I'd be a liar like you."  John 8:55

II.  "Me and God are the same person."  John 10:30

III. "If you believe in the Bible,  you believe in me
       because the Bible is about me."  John 5:46

IV.  "If you love your mother and father more
        than me, you don't deserve to know me.
        If you love your children more than me
        you don't deserve to know me."  Matthew 10:37

V.   "If your balls make you sin, cut them off.  If your
       tits make you a slut, cut them off."  Matthew 5:29-30
                                                                                         Mark 9:43-47

VI.  "I don't put down or criticize anyone.  But if
        I do put you down, I am right on because God
        listens to me."  John 8:15-16

VII. "You know I'm telling it like it is.  But you
         can't handle it.  You see what I'm saying?
         I'm keeping it real."  John 8:45-46

If this homeless street preacher came up to you
on the street, what would you do?  Would you
make eye-contact with him?  Would you ask

him to tell you more?  Would you give him
money?  Would you leave your family,
your home, your job and follow him?



Anonymous said...

you sounds looney and stupid

Anonymous said...

All Hail, Thane of Towson:

Keep the electric torch on the Dark Room of the Abrahamic God. What literacy and rationality can you expect from a follower of a religion that got started when an old man heard a voice telling him to kill his son and eat his son's flesh as a burnt offering to a savage god?