Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Seven Deadly Biblical Mysteries

I.   Why did Jesus want to raise the dead if  
      the dead already have been freed from this sinful
      vale of tears to await Final Judgment?

II.  If the eternal object lesson of the Parable of
       the Good Samaritan is universal brotherhood,
       why did Jesus feature a Samaritan, who is an
       outcast Jew but a Jew nevertheless, instead of 
       an Egyptian or a Nubian?

III. Was Adam created with a normally functioning
        penis and testicles, considering that Eve
        was a post-creation afterthought?

IV.  If the superpower Rome took Jesus into custody
        for insurrection, why did they not arrest His
        presumed co-conspirators--the twelve apostles?

V.   Why are there venerated relics of Jesus like the Grail, 
        the shroud, the cross, nails, tears, foreskin, but 
        there are no artifacts He made during His many
        years as a carpenter?

VI.  If all human beings are God's children, was Mary,
         the mother of Jesus, a victim of incest?

VII. If Jesus said that there were people present when
         He was on earth who would not taste death
         until He returns, where are these people living today?

Pluck out the ignorance that fools you to the top of your
bent.  Bible verses are but a rhapsody of words.  Words
need thoughts.  The capacity of reason should not fust
in us unused, covered with shreds and patches.

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