I. In the Garden of Eden---
Genesis 3:22-23
The upshot is that the Serpent did not lie--Yahweh
confirms that Adam and Eve became like him,
knowing good and evil. Yahweh had them thrown
out of the Garden because Yahweh was afraid
they might also eat from the Tree of Life and
live forever.
II. At the Tower of Babel----
Genesis 11:1-9
Yahweh feared a human challenge to his power,
and he garbled human communication . The
Tower of Babel presented a serious threat, not
just an impudent stunt, like a dog flushing a toilet.
III. In the Garden of Gethsemane---
Mark 14:32-36
Luke 22:39-44
Jesus--troubled, deeply distressed, in agony,
sweating blood, even with an angel by his side.
Jesus proves that there are no atheists in
IV. At Peniel---
Genesis 32:22-30
Jacob pinned Yahweh who cried, not "no mas,"
but "Israel." Yahweh ought to watch any
grabbing near the hip--or Yahweh might have
to eat his words about that punishment talked
about in Deuteronomy 25:11-12.
V. In the Seventh Year, in the Fifth Month,
the Tenth Day---
Ezekiel 20:13-14
A date that will not become a blood red
day marking one of Yahweh's Stalinist reprisals
because Yahweh was afraid of looking bad to
the Gentiles--CNN International B.C.
VI. At Golgotha---
Matthew 27:46
Mark 15:34
Two Gospels report the last words of Yeshua: "Eloi,
Eloi, lama sabachthani"---in Aramaic so nothing
is lost in translation.
Would Nathan Hale be considered an American
hero if had said, "My countrymen, my countrymen,
why have you forsaken me"?
VII. At the Trial Before Pontius Pilate---
John 18:38
Every day during the Roman Catholic Mass,
the name of a Roman governor of a backwater
province is repeated in the Nicene Creed. The
word count of the name Pontius Pilate is second
only to the word count of the name Jesus Christ
in the Roman Catholic liturgy.
A fitting honor because Pontius Pilate uttered
the most profound and wisest words in the
Bible---"What is truth?" Jesus was speechless
because He was afraid to answer.
Read the word of God, I pray you, as I
have cited it for you in the Holey
www.kingjamesbibleonline.org But
if you gerrymander the verses, as many of
your clergy do, you best eat the Jesus
Fish Flesh with a side of honeycomb.
Let your own reading be your tutor
whose end is to hold, as it were,
the mirror up to the paracosm
of religion to show a scam that
is as old as the pyramids.