Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Seven Deadly Directives on Rape in the Bible*

Rape Holp

                          YHWH does not want rape except for the 400 young
                          virgins of Jabesh-Gilead.  Judges 21:10-24

                          YHWH does not want rape except for the young
                          Midianite girls who are virgins.  Numbers 31:7-18

                           YHWH does not want rape except when He turns
                           a town over to His Chosen People.  Deuteronomy 20:10-14

                            YHWH does not want rape except when one of His
                            Chosen People is attracted to a comely female captive,
                            as long as her head is shaved and her fingernails clipped.
                                                                                       Deuteronomy 21:10-14

                           YHWH does not want rape except when He uses the public
                           rape of wives to humiliate and 'punish' their husbands.
                                                                                       2Samuel 12:11-14

                            YHWH does not want rape except when the women are
                            the spoils of war, like fancy dry goods.  Judges 5:30
                                                                                             Zechariah 14:1-2

                            YHWH does not want rape except when the rapists follow
                            certain guidelines--a father has to buy back his daughter 
                            he sold into slavery is she does not please her rapist, the
                            father cannot sell his daughter to foreigners, a non-combant
                           rapist must pay a fine and marry his victim, the rapist is
                           required to feed and clothe his victim.
                                                                                              Exodus 21:7-11
                                                                                              Deuteronomy 22:28-29

     O unwise patricians and reckless senators, 'twill vex thy soul to hear what
he doth speak.  Lord Mordik will prove the fool.  His words ravish human 
sense and would ravish savage ears.  

     What of him?  Ignorance made drunk.  Unfeeling, barren ignorance.  His
heavy ignorance of a thousand dreadful things and the horn and noise o' the Monster.

     There is a world elsewhere that reprehends his ignorance.


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