Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Old Odd Ends--A Good Jest Forever

The Dead Sea Scrolls
Written on Dead Skin
The Rosetta Stone
Carved in Stone

     Presumptuous priests!  What have we here?
Here is a parchment with the seal of YHWH.
Peruse this writing here, and thou shalt know
the scrolls are the content and summary of
YHWH's fortune. The Dead Sea Scrolls,
bound with shame, with inky blots and rotten
parchment, consume themselves in little time.

     Give way to what is seen now.  This precious
stone did speak strongly to us.  The Rosetta Stone
able to breathe life into stone, whose memory is
written on the Earth, unlike pieces of scripture,
set down in the scrolls that are a scribbled form,
drawn with a pen upon parchment, crumbling
up to dust.

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