Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Seven Biblical Amici Curiae Who Do Not Support the Defense of Marriage Act

I Have Thrust Myself into
This Maze

   I. Abraham
        Authority:  Genesis 16:1-7; Genesis 25:1

II.  Solomon
        Authority:  1Kings 11:1-3

III. David
        Authority:  1Samuel 18:27; 1Samuel 25:39;
                                          1Samuel 25:43; 2Samuel 3:5;
                                          2Samuel 5:13

IV.  Jacob
        Authority:  Genesis 30:4; Genesis 30:9

V.   Esau
        Authority:  Genesis 26:34;
                                           Genesis 28:9

VI.  Gideon
        Authority:  Judges 8:30

VII. Ashur
         Authority:  1Chronicles 4:5

     These aforementioned men attest that YHWH
sanctioned their marriages between one man and
more than one woman concurrently.

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