Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Seven Biblical Amici Curiae Who Do Not Support the Defense of Marriage Act

I Have Thrust Myself into
This Maze

   I. Abraham
        Authority:  Genesis 16:1-7; Genesis 25:1

II.  Solomon
        Authority:  1Kings 11:1-3

III. David
        Authority:  1Samuel 18:27; 1Samuel 25:39;
                                          1Samuel 25:43; 2Samuel 3:5;
                                          2Samuel 5:13

IV.  Jacob
        Authority:  Genesis 30:4; Genesis 30:9

V.   Esau
        Authority:  Genesis 26:34;
                                           Genesis 28:9

VI.  Gideon
        Authority:  Judges 8:30

VII. Ashur
         Authority:  1Chronicles 4:5

     These aforementioned men attest that YHWH
sanctioned their marriages between one man and
more than one woman concurrently.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Seven Deadly Directives on Rape in the Bible*

Rape Holp

                          YHWH does not want rape except for the 400 young
                          virgins of Jabesh-Gilead.  Judges 21:10-24

                          YHWH does not want rape except for the young
                          Midianite girls who are virgins.  Numbers 31:7-18

                           YHWH does not want rape except when He turns
                           a town over to His Chosen People.  Deuteronomy 20:10-14

                            YHWH does not want rape except when one of His
                            Chosen People is attracted to a comely female captive,
                            as long as her head is shaved and her fingernails clipped.
                                                                                       Deuteronomy 21:10-14

                           YHWH does not want rape except when He uses the public
                           rape of wives to humiliate and 'punish' their husbands.
                                                                                       2Samuel 12:11-14

                            YHWH does not want rape except when the women are
                            the spoils of war, like fancy dry goods.  Judges 5:30
                                                                                             Zechariah 14:1-2

                            YHWH does not want rape except when the rapists follow
                            certain guidelines--a father has to buy back his daughter 
                            he sold into slavery is she does not please her rapist, the
                            father cannot sell his daughter to foreigners, a non-combant
                           rapist must pay a fine and marry his victim, the rapist is
                           required to feed and clothe his victim.
                                                                                              Exodus 21:7-11
                                                                                              Deuteronomy 22:28-29

     O unwise patricians and reckless senators, 'twill vex thy soul to hear what
he doth speak.  Lord Mordik will prove the fool.  His words ravish human 
sense and would ravish savage ears.  

     What of him?  Ignorance made drunk.  Unfeeling, barren ignorance.  His
heavy ignorance of a thousand dreadful things and the horn and noise o' the Monster.

     There is a world elsewhere that reprehends his ignorance.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Deed of Slander

No Trees Allowed:  Deuteronomy 16:21
Why?  Ask Asherah!

     Do Mother Nature no slander.  Thy slander
hath gone through and through her heart. You
have made Mother Nature immoral.  Some 
other deity than Mother Nature has mangled
the work of Mother Nature.  Mother Nature
cries YHWH.  All that lives must die passing
through Mother Nature to eternity.  YHWH
corrupts frail Mother Nature.  But your
slander never can endanger her.
Mother Nature teaches beasts to know 
their friends.  O, do no slander of her
for she has enwombed you in her catalogue. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Old Odd Ends--A Good Jest Forever

The Dead Sea Scrolls
Written on Dead Skin
The Rosetta Stone
Carved in Stone

     Presumptuous priests!  What have we here?
Here is a parchment with the seal of YHWH.
Peruse this writing here, and thou shalt know
the scrolls are the content and summary of
YHWH's fortune. The Dead Sea Scrolls,
bound with shame, with inky blots and rotten
parchment, consume themselves in little time.

     Give way to what is seen now.  This precious
stone did speak strongly to us.  The Rosetta Stone
able to breathe life into stone, whose memory is
written on the Earth, unlike pieces of scripture,
set down in the scrolls that are a scribbled form,
drawn with a pen upon parchment, crumbling
up to dust.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Volley of Words

Thane of Towson

     If thou livest under a moving, bitter sky on a
miserable world from which you scratch up 
enough food to chew and fresh water to drink
to sustain your short life and the lives of your
offspring, and you cower in the cold, sable
night, the mother of Dread and Fear, and
you pick at the fleas and lice that eat at your
body, and you are always in danger of 
succumbing to the unseen worms that are
all around you, then believe in a Placental God.

     But if by the long journey of your mind and
the congress with your own kind, you have
understood the disturbed sky above, and have
given light and heat to the comfort-killing,
uncheerful night, and have subdued the lice
and the unseen worms, then stand up, open
your eyes, look in the mirror you have fashioned
with your own hands from the dust of the earth,
and gaze therein on a man---noble in reason,
admirable in action, the paragon of animals.
How like a god.

     Believe you this:  we eat weeds when our 
quick minds are still.  There is no darkness but
ignorance.  Believe it.  O, believe it.

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Seven Deadly Reasons To Run Away From a Biblical Family

Run, Yosef!
Run for the Border.

       I.  If you are part of a Biblical Family,
           your brother might rape you.  2Samuel 8:16

      II.  If you are part of a Biblical Family,
            your wife and son might take advantage of
            your physical challenges to swindle you.
            Genesis 27:ff

     III.  If you are part of  a Biblical Family,
            your daughters might get you drunk and 
            have sex with you.  Genesis 19:31-36

     IV.  If you are part of a Biblical Family,
            your father might turn you over to a
            crazed mob to be gang raped.  Genesis 19:8

       V.  If you are part of a Biblical Family,
             you might pimp out your wife to powerful
             men.  Genesis 12:14-20; Genesis 20:1-7;
                        Genesis 26:7-11

       VI.  If you are part of a Biblical Family,
              your father might slaughter you as a 
              human sacrifice, if he hears voices telling
              him to do so.  Genesis 22:1-2; Judges 11:31-39

      VII.  If you are part of a Biblical Family,
              you might be eaten by beasts or your family.
              Leviticus 26:21; Jeremiah 19:9; Lamentations 2:20

     YHWH set forth what marriage and family are all about
in the inerrant words of the Bible:  A couch of damn'd incest,
beginning with Cain in the Land of Nod, to Abraham and Sarah
in Ur Kasdim, to the parents of Moses in the Land of Kemet--and
others in between and after.  Genesis 4:16-17; Genesis 11:26-29;
Genesis 20:12-13; Exodus 6:19-20

     And the Law of Moses sanctifies polygamy.  Exodus 21:10

     This unweeded garden is the heritage of the Pods for God.
O, no more; no, more.  This calf skin is no heritage.  
A recreant,  gorbellied knave hangs his poison in the sick air. *
