We are now afloat in a full sea of commentary. Osama Bin Laden killed in a compound that was as unfortified as a Bedouin tent in a desert of times past. Charging SEALS came in the dark night when they were expecting only spitting camels in the hot sun. Osama's remains dumped in the sea---without the burial in the earth on his side facing Mecca. Die on the ground; buried in the ground--that is Muslim law. Die at sea too far from the land--only then buried at sea in an earthen jar.
But will all his bones go to make coral? Why was the noble name Geronimo resurrected for this hell-hound? An inside frat boy jest? Geronimo's skull is believed to be a trophy of the Skull and Bones Society of Yale. Osama remains may have been jettisoned into the sea---but in the museo of the CIA, Osama's broken skull and long shanks will be displayed as long as the Republic endures. Evil houses made of sand will fall into the sea, eventually.
Behold The Shroud of Bin Laden
Time is the justice that examines all offenders. Out of the question? The truth will come to light. Thereby hangs a tale: http://www.sify.com/news/cia-operation-chief-was-ordered-to-cut-off-bin-laden-s-head-following-9-11-terror-attacks-news-international-lkilEedijhh.html
You bid that redemption be sought?
Hear yourself what has be spoken.
Hear, O hear. Here!
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