I. Exodus 15:19-21
Why drown the horses? Did the horses oppress the Jews?
II. Jeremiah 51:21
Someone is taking the phrase "breaking a horse" too
literally--like the way the Godpods read the Holey Bible.
III. Zechariah 12:4, 14:15
Yahweh panics and blinds the horses. Then afflicts the horses,
mules, camels, and asses with disease. The subtle serpent must
have had some leverage on Yahweh?
IV. Leviticus 16:21-22
A hapless domestic animal is abandoned in the wilderness with
no chance of animal rescue. Yet another goat song?
V. 2Samuel 8:4
Panic, whipping, blindness, drowning--now Yahweh commands
that the horses be crippled. Why does Yahweh punish horses?
Did Genesis miss something in the Garden of Eden?
VI. Judges 15:4-5
Samson's To Do List:
1. Round up 300 foxes
2. Line the foxes up tail to tail
3. Set fire to the tails of the foxes
4. Burn the crops of the Philistines by using the
terrorized flaming foxes.
This had to take the better part of a weekend, even with
God's help. But Samson saved a lot of time by setting
fire to the fox tails two at a time. Clever hero. That is
why Samson is the patron saint of suicide bombers.
VII. Mark 5:12-13
Jesus takes the advice of the unclean spirits and causes the
death of 2000 pigs. What ever happened to WWJD--as
in "get thee behind me"?
Caution: Animals have been injured and/or killed
in the fulfillment of God's word. Do not stop
reading the Holey Bible, just don't do it
at the racetrack because it will frighten the horses.
Read the word of God, I pray you, as I have cited it
for you in the Holey Bible www/kingjamesbibleonline.org
But if you gerrymander the verses, as many of your clergy
do, you best eat the Jesus Fish Flesh with a side of honeycomb.
Let your own reading be your tutor whose end is to
hold, as it were, the mirror up to the paracosm of religion
to show a scam that is as old as the pyramids.
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