Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Seven Deadly Parenting Skills in the Bible

I. Proverbs 13:24

Beat the children. Beat the children. How thick is that rod?

II. Proverbs 23:13-14

Beat the children again and again. What ever happened to
the "time out"?

III. Exodus 21:15

Kill children who kill their parents. Maybe the old man
overused his rod? Define rod.

IV. Leviticus 20:9

If your child uses a four-letter word to your face, apply
a four-letter word to your child:--d-e-a-d.

V. Deuteronomy 21:18-21

Sometimes it takes a whole village to kill a smart ass kid.

VI. Matthew 15:4-7

Now we know WWJD about hand washing and disrespectful
children. Listen up, kiddies, you can get stoned just by saying no.

VII. Mark 7:9-13

Jesus says again and again, you are commanded by God to kill
the disrespectful child--no matter how much you want the
kid to go to Harvard.
God's Law---'nuff said.

Read the word of God, I pray you, as I have cited it for you in the
Holey bible But if you gerrymander
the verses, as many of your clergy do, you best eat the Jesus
Fish Flesh with a side of honeycomb.

Let your own reading be your tutor whose end is to hold,
as it were, the mirror up the the paracosm of religion to show
a scam that is as old as the pyramids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...