Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Seven Ignored Boyhood Miracles of Jesus of Nazareth

Wherefore?  Wherefore?  Wherefore?

     I.  Boy Jesus, falsely accused of pushing His
        playmate off a roof, restores him to life.

  II.  Boy Jesus raises from the dead a 
        neighbor's child and a carpenter.

 III.  Boy Jesus cures His brother James,
         who was bitten by a viper.

  IV.  Boy Jesus amazes a crowd when He
         heals a boy who mangled his foot
         with an ax. 

    V.  Boy Jesus plants one grain of wheat
          that yields 100 measures.  Some is 
          given to the poor.  Joseph takes
          the remainder.  

   VI.  Boy Jesus carries water in a cloth
           to His mother after the jug is 
           broken in a crowd.  

   VII. Boy Jesus lengthens a board that
           Joseph mistakenly cut short.  

     Jesus of Nazareth hath played His 
prologue like a child.  These miracles
from the Infancy Gospel of Thomas
raises a question that staggers the 
dullards who do homage.  Wherefore
Boy Jesus at the Temple is the only tale
taken from the Thomas Gospel  that is
recounted in the Bible?


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