Friday, July 22, 2016

The Seven Delinquent Acts of Juvenile Jesus

Same Child of Honor and Renown

     I.  Boy Jesus tells Joseph that he is stupid
          and not His real father.

    II.  Boy Jesus fashions 12 clay sparrows on
          the Sabbath.  When chastised, He claps
          His hands and brings the clay birds
          to life.

  III.  Boy Jesus withers the playmate who
          muddles up His clay water.

  IV.  Boy Jesus strikes dead a playmate 
         who bumped into Him.  

    V.  Boy Jesus blinds the neighbor who
         complained to Joseph about Jesus.

   VI.  Boy Jesus turns playmates who wont 
          play hide-and-seek into baby goats.

  VII.  Boy Jesus curses and strikes dead
           His teacher Zaccheus.

     This childhood proof--O, is it all forgot?
This Infancy Gospel of Thomas, The Arabic
Infancy Gospel, the Koran hath stain'd the
childhood of this child of fancy that guides


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