Friday, March 18, 2016

The Seven Ways Prozac Could Have Changed the Bible

To Prove You a Cipher

     I. If Abraham had taken Prozac.....
          "You know, Sarah, I think it's time we retire
                to a sunny beach."

 II. If Moses had taken Prozac.....
           "613 rules?  I must have been nuts!
                Eat, drink, and be merry."
III. If Mary had taken Prozac.....
           "Joseph, we have to talk."

 IV. If John the Baptist took Prozac...
            "I feel like a hot shower and a ham
                 and egg breakfast.  Tonight, I'll
                 take in a show at Les Girls."

    V. If St. Peter had taken Prozac.....
             "Good luck finding followers, young
              fellow, but I have to get home after
              work to help my wife--her mother
              has been under the weather."  

    VI. If Jesus had taken Prozac.....
              "Guys, come over for supper.  I'll
                    show you my new dining room
                    table I just finished."

     VII. If St. Paul had taken Prozac.....
               "Don't knock it.  It cured me of those
                     migraine flashes of light and that stress
                     related thorny sensation."

            The unvarnish'd tale:  Religion--
         a drug of such a damn'd nature.  


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