Monday, January 30, 2012
The Seven Deadly Reasons for Not Welcoming Jesus as a Next Door Neighbor
I. You would be living next door to a squatter, not a homeowner.
Matthew 8:20 Mark 1:38
Mark 8:27 Luke 4:43
II. You would be living next door to a neighbor who quit His trade
and is supported by wealthy women.
Luke 8:1-3
III. You would be living next door to a neighbor who practices
questionable hygiene, does not believe in pathogenic causes
of disease, or clinical causes of mental illness and seizures.
Matthew 8:2-3 Matthew 8:14-15 John 13:4-12
Luke 11:37-38 Mark 3:1-5 Luke 7:37-38
Matthew 15:1-2 Luke 8:43-48 Mark 1:40-42
Mark 9:17-29
IV. You would be living next door to a neighbor who does
does not plan for the welfare of His family, encourages
others not to minister to the needs of their parents, or
does not cut His lawn.
Matthew 6:24-34 Luke 12:20-33 Matthew 8:21-22
V. You would be living next door to a neighbor who is
estranged from His family. A family that tried an
intervention to get Him help for His disturbing behavior.
Mark 3:31-35 Mark 3:21
VI. You would be living next door to a neighbor who has
turned His abode into a half-way house for sell-outs,
convicted felons, and prostitutes.
Matthew 21:31-33 Luke 18:10-14 Matthew 9:10-12
VII. You would be living next door to a neighbor who exhibits
symptoms of mental illness such as Dissociative Identity
Disorder, paranoia, and clinical depression.
John 10:14-18 Mark 9:31-32 John 10:30
Matthew 26:36-41 Luke 21:16-17 Mark 14:34-36
Matthew 4:1-7
Muhammad would be an exemplary neighbor--a
responsible family man, a war hero, a well-groomed,
successful businessman, an effective community
leader who speaks persuasively about
living a decent, scrupulous, life. Maybe just
a little quirky with his musings on recurring
dreams about angels and riding on a
flying horse.
Buddha would be a quiet neighbor, but there could
be some problem with pest control and his need for
Meals-on-Wheels and the food bank.
Confucius would be a pain in the ass if he got
involved with the neighborhood association. Moses
would not be too neighborly because of his arrogant,
insular attitudes. Saul or Paul---the original
Madman. Give us a break--he works like the end
of the world is near.
Well, nobody's perfect.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
The Seven Deadly Verses in the Bible That Denigrate Dogs
I. Deuteronomy 23:18
Dog and whore in the same sentence can't be good.
II. Proverbs 26:11; 2Peter 2:22
When a dog "kisses" its owner, the dog wants the
owner to vomit so the dog can enjoy a warm meal.
Part of the Intelligent Design of dogs.
III. Matthew 15:26-28
Yeshua was a little embarrassed here. Perhaps He
realized some dogs are IAMs dogs, named for dear
old Abba.
IV. Luke 16:20-2
Eating crumbs is not good. How about having sores
licked by dogs? Maggots are more antiseptic.
V. Matthew 7:6
Unclean swine and dogs in the same sentence. Not
likely to find any dogs in Heaven--or the potbelly
yuppy puppies.
VI. Philippians 3:2-3
Dogs, evil workers, and mutilation in the same verse.
And circumcision mentioned in the next verse.
"Beware of Dogs"? Duh!
VII. Revelation 22:15
The proverbial man's best friend grouped with
witches, sexual perverts, murderers, idolaters,
and liars. Poor Fido. Poor Faithful.
Read the word of God, I pray you, as I have cited
for you in the Holey Bible.
But if you gerrymander the verses, as many of your clergy
do, you best eat the Jesus Flesh Fish with a side
of honeycomb.
Let your own reading be your tutor whose end is to
hold, as it were, the mirror up to the paracosm
of religion to show a scam that is as old as the pyramids.
Friday, January 13, 2012
The Seven Deadly Shibboleths of Orwellian DoubleSpeak in the Bible
Regs from the Ministry of Truth:
Romans 6:16-22; 1Corinthians 7:22;
1Corinthians 6:19-20; 1Peter 2:16;
Revelation 22:3; John 8:36
Regs from the Ministry of Truth:
1Corinthians 1:17-19; Luke 10:21;
Romans 1:17
Regs from the Ministry of Truth:
Isaiah 1:19; Matthew 5:19;
John 3:16-18
Regs from the Ministry of Truth: 2Corinthians 10:5
Regs from the Ministry of Truth:
Proverbs 25:21-22; Romans 12:20;
Acts 9:16; Romans 8:18;
2Corinthians 4:16; Hebrews 12:5-6
Regs from the Ministry of Truth:
Acts 16:30-31; Ephesians 2:8-9;
Matthew 25:31-45; John 8:51;
James 2:26; 1Peter 1:17-19
Regs from the Ministry of Truth: Matthew 20:1-16
This is the Thirteenth Hour. The Ministry of Truth
strongly suggests that you avoid reading the entire
Holey Bible. The believers must remain confused
with fables and distracted by the Theater of the
Absurd--naive miracles, compulsive rituals, and the
bigotry of monotheism.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
The Seven Deadly Sinners in One Christ in the Bible
I. The Angry Christ Mark 11:12-14; Matthew 21:18-20
Jesus was really pissed off at figs for being nakedly dioecious,
thereby fooling His Dad on Day Three. Maybe the fig tree
was a virgin?
II. The Verbally Abusive Christ Matthew 5:22; Matthew 23:17
What ever happened to the soft word that turneth away wrath?
And practicing what is preached?
III. The Cruelly Violent Christ Matthew 10:34; Luke 19:27;
Luke 22:35-38
A sword is a sword, is a sword, is a sword. Jesus should have
tried smiles instead of similes--and murder.
IV. The Slick Christ Matthew 22:21
Looks like Caesar bought naming rights on some of Yahweh's
Creation. The original deed to the Creation was absolute
as per Psalm 24:1; Haggai 2:8; and Colossians 1:16.
V. The Deceitful Christ Matthew 13:10-11; John 7:6-10;
1 Peter 2:22
Time seems to have dimmed Peter's memory. Wonder what
the Aramaic word for "is" is?
VI. The Racist Christ Matthew 15:22-28
Jesus used the canine epithet on a distraught, plain Canaanite
mother. But her sincere, humble response embarrassed this
Son of God more than the mocking crown of thorns.
VII. The Sinful Christ Luke 3:21; Mark 10:18
What did Jesus do? Now available--a new plastic band "WDJD"
To be worn by a whole flock of believers who were washed in
the tears of Jim Bakker, Ted Haggard, and Jimmy Swaggart.
Which Christ is worthy of imitation? Forgive them--they
know not what they are doing.
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