Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Seven Deadly Moments When Yahweh or Jesus Seem Confused in the Bible

I.   Genesis 9:6
       2Samuel 12:9-13

     Maybe Yahweh should have written down his
     notes in stone?  David commits murder for 
     hire--and ends up in good old age full of days, 
     riches, and honor.  God the Father or 
     The Godfather---depends on divine order.   

II.  Deuteronomy 24:16
        2Samuel 12:13-18

     What happened to the wisdom of  Solomon?   
     Yahweh kills an innocent baby in order to
     punish a guilty father--not suitable for the 
     typical Sunday School coloring book.  Is that
     why fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom?

III. Matthew 10:5-6
        Matthew 28:19-20

     Doesn't Jesus recall His antipathy toward
     Samaritans and Gentiles?  Maybe the
     apostles over-fished the errant Jews?
     Anyway, Paul was able to make a bigger
     tent, as it were.

IV.  Genesis 9:1-4
         Leviticus 11:1-20

     Doesn't Yahweh recall that Noah got
     an All-You-Want-to-Eat Buffet?  Then
     why does Moses get the All-You-Can-and-
     Cannot-Eat Buffet?  Was there a recall on
     some of the Intelligently Designed animals?
     The good news is that there was no change
     on the veggies---so all the loco weeds are
     still in.

V.   Deuteronomy 24:1-4
        Matthew 19:6-8

     Doesn't Jesus know that the bible is the
     inspired and inerrant word of God?  Here,
     Jesus reveals that Moses alone authorized
     certificates of divorce based on Moses'
     personal judgment.  Can Jesus un-ring this bell?

VI.  Genesis 6:5-6
         Exodus 20:1-17

     Does Yahweh sometimes get the future confused
     with the present?  The Commandments were given
     to Moses, not Adam--except for that prohibition 
     about eating certain fruits.  But Yahweh floods the
     biosphere, killing every living thing except those 
     aboard the Ark.  Being three personalities in one
     and omniscient must have its issues.

VII. Job 1:6-12
          Luke 4:1-12

     Does Yahweh know that he doesn't have to play
     the Dozens with the Evil One?  Poor Job!
     Satan bested Yahweh because all Yahweh had to
     snap was,  "I know all and I cannot tell a lie."
     The Jesus personality of the Trinity was cool. His
     snaps were fresh.  Then He tells the Evil One to go
     to Hell.  But what if the Evil One has said something
     about Jesus' momma....?

Read the word of God, I pray you, as I have cited
for you in the Holey Bible
But if you gerrymander the verses, as many of your clergy
do, you best eat the Jesus Fish Flesh with a side
of honeycomb.

Let your own reading be your tutor whose end is to
hold, as it were, the mirror up to the paracosm
of religion to show a scam that is as old as the pyramids.

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