Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Seven Hateful Prayers from the Psalms

Shameful--if the facts be known

          I.  The Psalmist saith, O Lord, fight against them

               that persecute me.  Let their way be dark and
               slippery...let the angel of the Lord chase them.
               Let destruction come upon them.  
                                                                      --Psalm 35
         II.  The Psalmist saith, O mighty man...thy tongue
               deviseth mischiefs.  God shall destroy thee
               forever.  The righteous shall laugh at thee.
                                                                       --Psalm 52

         III.  The Psalmist saith, The wicked cast iniquity
                upon me and in wrath they hate me.  Destroy
                them, O Lord...let death seize upon them, and
                let them go down quick to Hell.      --Psalm 55

         IV.   The Psalmist saith, Break their teeth, O God.
                 Let them melt away like an untimely birth.
                 The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth
                 vengeance.  He shall wash his feet in the 
                 blood of the wicked.                       --Psalm 58

           V.  The Psalmist saith, O my God, defend me
                 from them that rise up against me.  Be not
                 merciful to the wicked.  Laugh at them.
                 Let them make a noise like a dog.  Let
                 them wander up and down for meat.
                                                                        --Psalm 59

          VI.  The Psalmist saith, Lord, pour out thy
                 wrath upon the heathen and upon the
                 the kingdoms that have not called upon
                 thy name. And render unto our neighbors
                 seven fold into their bosoms their
                 reproach, wherewith they have reproached
                 thee.                                               --Psalm 79

        VII.  The Psalmist saith, O God, the mouth of the
                 wicked opened against me.  Let his days be
                 few.  Let his children be fatherless.  Let his
                 wife be a widow.  Let his children be 
                 vagabonds and beg.  Let their name be
                 blotted out.  Let this be the reward of mine
                 adversaries.                                   --Psalm 109

          Godpods, hear, read, read.  Did you even hear the
    like.  'Tis a hateful and shameful thing.  A revengeful
    heart cannot forgive.


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