Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Seven Women in the Bible Who Were Fecundated by the Potent Phallus of Divinity

My Womb! My Womb!
My Womb Undoes Me!

    I.  EVE  Genesis 4:1

       Eve gushes after coitus with  Adam that YHWH
           opened  her womb and gave her a man, Cain.
           What Happiness!  What Ha'Penis!  Baruch Ha'Penis....

  II.  SARAH  Genesis 20:1-18; 21:1-2

       YHWH caused Abimelech erectile dysfunction with
          Sarah and tied the tubes of the women of Abimelech's
          Domain.  YHWH opened Sarah's ninety year old womb
          and fecundated it.
          What Happiness!  What Ha'Penis!  Baruch Ha'Penis....

III.  REBEKAH Genesis 25:21-24

        YHWH saw to it that Rebekah's womb was opened, 
            resulting in a difficult pregnancy of fraternal twins
            after twenty years of infertility. 
            What Happiness!  What Ha'Penis!  Baruch Ha'Penis....

 IV.  RACHEL Genesis 30:1-24; 35:16-19

        Jacob tells his frustrated wife Rachel that YHWH
            causes her infertility, not him.  YHWH decides
            to open Rachel's womb.  Rachel later dies in
            What Happiness!  What Ha'Penis!  Baruch Ha'Penis....

   V.  LEAH Genesis 29:16-35

        YHWH opens Leah's womb, sanctioning the wedding
            night switch of Leah for Rachel, tricking the eager 
            Jacob.  (Can one exercise free will if one is deceived?)
            Caveat coitus.
            What Happiness!  What Ha'Penis!  Baruch Ha'Penis....
  VI. SAMSON'S MOTHER  Judges 13:1-21

        Manoah believes his infertile wife's story that an
            awesome man she met in the fields said that she was
            going to be inseminated and needs to follow certain 
            prenatal directives.  The bible says this man was an
            Angel of the Lord, but he did not leave his name.  But
            he did open her womb. 
           What Happiness!  What Ha'Penis!  Baruch Ha'Penis....

VII. ELIZABETH Luke 1:5-25

        Zacharias and Elizabeth are very old when an Angel
            of the Lord tells Zacharias that Elizabeth's womb will
            be opened and she will have her first child, a son.  The
            Angel seems a little curt and short-tempered 
            and strikes  Zacharias dumb when Zacharias asks
            how can this be because they are so old.  Good thing 
            for Zacharias that he  did not laugh as Sarah did
            under similar circumstances.
            The son turns out to be John the Baptist---not
            John the Scribe or John the Publican.  A son at
            perfect age and the father declining?  The father
            should be as ward to the son.  Good wombs have
            borne bad sons.  Alas, their earthly reward.

And there is the Blessed Virgin Mary--
   whose chaste treasure was opened with
       a seminal word.... Luke 1:26-48

     Dried up organs of increase, hollow wombs, or stalwart
maidenheads cannot thwart the potency of YHWH.

     A small pill, a layer of latex, or a worthy sponge can
forswear the teeming wombs that Isaiah preached are 
ruled by YHWH (Isaiah 66:9) who forms thee and knows
thee before you came out of the womb (Job 31:15; 
Jeremiah 1:5)???

     What is Holy Mother Church afraid of?  
     YHWH allows miscarrying wombs and dry 
     breasts. (Hosea 9:14).  

      Pope Francis need not fear a woman who was
      prisoner to her womb, who is now freed and 





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