Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Seven Deadly Slaughters of More Than 20 Children by YHWH in the Bible

Who looked on and would not
take their part? *

   I.  Genesis 7:23

        Moody-mad YHWH destroys all He created, even the 
        little children, from the face of the earth with the 
        waters of the Flood. 
        Children who even now to be afresh lamented.

  II.  Genesis 19:24-25

        Slaughter-god YHWH kills all the inhabitants of
        Sodom and Gomorrah, even the little children,
        with brimstone and fire out of Heaven.
        Children who even now to be afresh lamented.

 III.  Exodus 11:5

         YHWH's winged vengeance murders the first
         born of Egyptian families, even the little children.
         Children who even now to be afresh lamented.

  IV.  2Kings 2:23-24

         In the name of YHWH, Elisha wrong'st the
         forty-two little children mightily for their
        child's play, having them savaged by wild bears.
        Children who even now to be afresh lamented.

   V.  Ezekiel 9:5-7

         YHWH puts children to destruction, verily,
         verily, saying to the murderers, "Slay utterly
         old and young...and little children...."
         Children who even now to be afresh lamented.

  VI.  1Samuel 15:2-3

          YHWH, the moody-mad slaughter-god, commands
          Saul to kill all the Amalekites, even the little 
          children and infants.  
          Children who even now to be afresh lamented.

 VII.  Joshua 6:20-21

          YHWH gave Joshua Jericho.  And Joshua's armed
          men utterly destroyed all that was in the city, even
          the little children.
          Children who even now to be afresh lamented.

     Tidings out of the Holy Bible I bring to you of slaughter
of so many children.  Great the slaughter of children is here
made by YHWH.  Child slaughter coupled with the
name YHWH.  A God that reigns by slaughter of children.
Do you not read tokens of a Monster in the large 
composition of this God?  Or perchance, the Pods for God
ne'er look'd upon it.

         O spare the guiltless children.
              Peace, children, peace.

  * http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/12/15/15907407-elementary-school-massacre-20-children-among-28-killed-in-connecticut-slaughter?lite

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