Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Measure for Measure

     Religion makes a rhapsody of words.  Words 
that many ear take captive.  Plausive words 
have been spoken and written by theologians,
prophets, clergymen, preachers, theists, deists,
theosophists desperately trying to find intelligent
reasons to believe in the God of Abraham,
a mass murderer, a merciless abortionist,
a genocidal racist, a phobic misogynist, an
enabler of child abuse, a wrathful, capricious,
egomaniacal monster. Not a God of Love---
but a God of Self-Love.  Whose name is Jealous.

     The world takes note that the few letters
and numbers of geometry, algebra, trigonometry,
calculus; and the succinct, disciplined observations
of Thales, Archimedes, Democritus, Pythagoras,
Galileo, Newton, Bernoulli, Faraday, Edison,
Dirac, Heisenberg, stated as simply as is 
E=mc2, have made some sense of the truth of
the reckoning of this world.  This sense saves.
Believe those words.  They are certain.


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