Remember Me, Asshole? |
Facts exist even if they are
unknown or ignored.
Beliefs cease to exist if they are
ignored or forgotten.
It takes a village to stone with stones
to death a disobedient child.
--Deuteronomy 21:18-21
His word needs must, when YHWH
drives, be followed by the card or
equivocation will undo the inspired
Word of God.
Consider the fowls of the air, for they worship not,
neither do they sacrifice, nor cut foreskins, nor obey
burdensome commandments. No child of man has
the pleasure of freewill as do the birds.
Are you not better than they? O ye of deceiving
belief! Generations of sheep.
In The City of God, St. Augustine of Hippo fantasized
about the momentary joy that breeds an eternity of
pain--the engine of lust, the Orgasm.
St. Augustine adduced that procreation, using
the organs of generation, involved an act of
penetration that aroused the same sensation in the
woman as the woman feels when she produces a
menstrual flow. And the man's phallus (Greek)
or penis (Latin) did not originally have the length
and girth which damages the hymen. Though not
explicitly described, presumably, the man's sensation
of ejaculation was the same as urination.
St. Augustine of Hippo lamented that this Intelligent
Design of the organs of generation was not brought about,
because the Original Sin of Adam and Eve allowed lust
and liberty to creep into the minds and marrows of
mankind whose issue of lust are condemned to fulfill
the loathsome act of lust in a history of foul thoughts
and desires.
The City of God by St. Augustine of Hippo, 14.26.
And when the woman saw the tree was good for food,
she took the fruit thereof and did eat, and gave also unto
her husband with her; and he did eat.
And the eyes of them both were opened and saw a
phallus larger than the phalli possessed by any monkey
or ape.
They sewed fig leaves together and made themselves
aprons to cover the phallus that was as the phalli of asses.
And YHWH said, "Who told thee that thou wast naked.
Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thou
shouldest not eat?"
Unto the woman, YHWH said, "I will greatly multiply
thy sorrows--yada-yada-yada--thy husband shall rule over thee."
"And unto Adam, YHWH said, "Because thou hast
hearkened unto the voice of thy wife--yada-yada-yada--
sorrows...all the days of thy life."
And YHWH slaughtered the very first of any
living creature and made coats of skins and clothed them.
YHWH sent them from the Garden of Eden and away
from the Tree of Life. Selah.
Religion makes a rhapsody of words. Words
that many ear take captive. Plausive words
have been spoken and written by theologians,
prophets, clergymen, preachers, theists, deists,
theosophists desperately trying to find intelligent
reasons to believe in the God of Abraham,
a mass murderer, a merciless abortionist,
a genocidal racist, a phobic misogynist, an
enabler of child abuse, a wrathful, capricious,
egomaniacal monster. Not a God of Love---
but a God of Self-Love. Whose name is Jealous.
The world takes note that the few letters
and numbers of geometry, algebra, trigonometry,
calculus; and the succinct, disciplined observations
of Thales, Archimedes, Democritus, Pythagoras,
Galileo, Newton, Bernoulli, Faraday, Edison,
Dirac, Heisenberg, stated as simply as is
E=mc2, have made some sense of the truth of
the reckoning of this world. This sense saves.
Believe those words. They are certain.