Saturday, October 5, 2024

Presidential Elections Are Only Sly Charades

It is not due yet.  I would be loath to vote for either of them on any day.  

Presidential Elections have no matter.  American Democracy is a word--composed of bleak incorporeal air.  A word deceptively hypocritically  preached by the omnipent, plutocratic oligarchy who really manage the policies of the American Government.  I'' none of it.

     My trim reckoning--the fix is in--for Her...not Him.

     So ends my catechism.                                 


Sunday, January 26, 2020

Hill of Megiddo: My Report Is Just and Full of the Truth


                    The legions of God's angels have sounded
their retreat, defeated by the vanguard of science.
God's battle plans in God's sacred books have proved
impotent against the onslaught of the allied divisions
of science.  All that is left is Creationism, a rearguard
action to cover the sound of the angel trumpets dying 
away in the distance.



Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Seven Original Precepts Preached by Jesus Christ the Only Begotten Son of God

Lord, Thou Art One 'o the False Ones

          I.  Matthew 5:6  Blessed are they which do hunger
           and thirst after righteousness for they shall be

           OOPS DEI!  A counterfeit presentment of: For
           thou, Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor
           wilt thou compass him as with a shield.
                                                              ---Psalms 5:12

      II.  Matthew 5:3  Blessed are the poor in spirit;
            for their's is the Kingdom of Heaven.

            OOPS DEI!  A counterfeit presentment of:
            A man's pride shall bring him low, but 
            honor shall uphold the humble in spirit.
                                                           ---Proverbs 29:23

      III.  Matthew 5:4  Blessed are those that mourn,
             for they shall be comforted.

             OOPS DEI!  A counterfeit presentment of:  
              He healeth the broken heart, and bindeth 
              up  their wounds.  
                                                                ---Psalms 147:3

       IV.  Matthew 5:8  Blessed are the pure in heart,   
              for they shall see God.

              OOPS DEI!  A counterfeit presentment of:  
              Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?
              or who shall stand in his holy place?  He
              that hath clean hands, and a pure heart.
                                                                ---Psalms 24:3-4

         V.  Matthew 5:9  Blessed are the peacemakers,
              for they shall be called the children of God.

              OOPS DEI!  A counterfeit presentment of: 
     peace and pursue it.  The eyes of the
              Lord are upon the righteous....
                                                            ---Psalms 34:14-15

       VI.  Matthew 5:37  ...but whosoever shall smite
              thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the 
              other also.

              OOPS DEI!  A counterfeit presentment of:  He
              giveth his cheek to him that smiteth him.
                                                         ---Lamentations 3:30

      VII.  Matthew 5:5  Blessed are the meek, for they
               shall inherit the earth.

               OOPS DEI!  A counterfeit presentment of:
               ..but those that wait upon the Lord
               shall inherit the earth.
                                                                   ---Psalms 37:9

     The Gospel draw'st a counterfeit.  The Godpods 
with waxen minds beguiled with a marble
counterfeit. The Gospels were ever so--fickle, false, 
and full of fraud.

Friday, September 1, 2017

The Lord's Prayer: Didst He But Copy What the Hebrews Hath Writ?

Hear that prayer of Jesus of Nazareth?
That prayer doth teach us to undo that prayer.
The Godpods have been beguiled
with a counterfeit.

What sum He owes the Hebrews.
Forsooth, such a man might be a copy.
Thank the Hebrews
for teaching Jesus of Nazareth His words.

O Lord, Thou art Our Father
--Isaiah 64:8

Neither shall ye profane
My Holy Name
I will be Hallowed
--Leviticus 22:32

Thy will be done in Heaven
so on earth.
--Prayer of Tannaiam

Feed me my allotted bread.
--Proverbs 30:8

Forgive someone
who has wronged you
and you will be
--Sirach 28:1-5

Take away all iniquity
--Hosea 14:2
Deliver me from
the workers of iniquity
--Psalms 59:2
Our Father,
who art in Heaven

Hallowed be thy Name

Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
on earth
as it is in Heaven

Give us the day
our daily bread

and forgive us our debts
as we have also
forgiven our debtors

And lead us not
into temptation
but deliver us
from evil.




Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Seven Massacres of Women and Children in the Bible Sanctioned by YHWH

Women and Children Thus Disposed

     I.  YHWH annuls the free will of King Sihon of
          Heshbon, preventing him from allowing the
          Israelites to pass through.  This sets up King
          Sihon so that the Israelites can capture towns
          and utterly destroy women and children.
                                            ---Deuteronomy 2:30-34

     II.  Moses and the Israelites move on to Bashan,
           ruled by King Og.  YHWH handed over this
           kingdom and in each city women and children
           were utterly destroyed.
                                             ---Deuteronomy 3:3-6

    III.  Moses orders the Israelites to kill every
            male among the little ones and kill every
            woman who is not a virgin of the Midianites.
                                               ---Numbers 31:12-17

     IV.  YHWH commands the Israelites to smite the
            Amalek and utterly destroy all women, infants,
            and sucklings.
                                                 ---I Samuel 15:2-8

       V.  YHWH proclaims Samaria shall become
             desolate for she hath rebelled against her
             God.  Their infants shall be dashed to pieces;
             their women with child shall be ripped up.
                                                  ---Hosea 13:16

      VI.  And YHWH said go through the midst of the
              city and slay utterly little children and women.
                                                    ---Ezekiel 9:4-6

     VII.  And Joshua utterly destroyed every human
              being--man, woman, child, and the unborn in
              Makke'dah, Libnah, Lachish, Gezer, Eglon,
              Hebron, Debir, Gibeon, Hazor, in the lowland 
              and the slopes.
                                                    ---Joshua Chapters 10-12

          What?  Are they children?  I will speak.  
     Bloody butcher and villain! Wives and children
     all slaughtered by the decree of YHWH.  
           Let it be known:  YHWH gave carte blanche
     for the genocide of inhabitants of lands set aside
     by YHWH as the Land of Israel.  This is the Torah
     of YHWH?  (Deteronomy 7:1-3;20:16)
            Resist it!  Prevent it! 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Seven Shameful Annulments of Free Will by YHWH

Cavete a Deo

          I.  Shameful yoke on the Pharaoh:  YHWH hardens the 
               Pharaoh's heart, preventing any hope of a peaceful
               exodus from Egypt.
                                                                             --Exodus 7:3-4

         II.  Shameful cunning against the Pharaoh again:
                YHWH makes the Pharaoh unable to appreciate
                the convincing power of Moses' magic.
                                                                              --Exodus 9:12

        III.  Shame redoubled:  YHWH hardens the heart of
                 the Pharaoh and his aides so that they will not
                 accept Moses' ultimatum.  
                                                                                --Exodus 10:1
                                                                                --Exodus 11:10

          IV.  Shameful injury:  YHWH hardens the hearts of the
                  pursuing Egyptian soldiers so that YHWH can
                  destroy them.
                                                                                 --Exodus 14:17 

           V.   Shameful conquest:  YHWH hardens the hearts of
                   the Hivites of Gibeon so that they will not make
                   peace with Israel, leading to genocide of the Hivites.
                                                                                  --Joshua 11:19-20

           VI.  Shameful scorn:  YHWH makes the Jews unable to
                   think straight about repentance so that YHWH can
                   continue to punish them.  Jesus confirms that YHWH
                   took away the free will of the Jews.
                                                                                    --Isaiah 63:17
                                                                                    --John 12:38-40

          VII.  Shameful doom: Paul writes YHWH purposefully 
                    hardened the hearts of most Jews to reject Jesus 
                    so that salvation could come to the gentiles.
                                                                                     --Romans 11:7-12

               These are deep shames--the sickly portions of the
           inerrant words of the Bible.  Is the God of Abraham  
           shameproof?  Wouldst the Godpods seize on these
           constraints on free will and press them into their 
           memory and wake up and open their eyes and ears.




Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Seven Hateful Prayers from the Psalms

Shameful--if the facts be known

          I.  The Psalmist saith, O Lord, fight against them

               that persecute me.  Let their way be dark and
               slippery...let the angel of the Lord chase them.
               Let destruction come upon them.  
                                                                      --Psalm 35
         II.  The Psalmist saith, O mighty man...thy tongue
               deviseth mischiefs.  God shall destroy thee
               forever.  The righteous shall laugh at thee.
                                                                       --Psalm 52

         III.  The Psalmist saith, The wicked cast iniquity
                upon me and in wrath they hate me.  Destroy
                them, O Lord...let death seize upon them, and
                let them go down quick to Hell.      --Psalm 55

         IV.   The Psalmist saith, Break their teeth, O God.
                 Let them melt away like an untimely birth.
                 The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth
                 vengeance.  He shall wash his feet in the 
                 blood of the wicked.                       --Psalm 58

           V.  The Psalmist saith, O my God, defend me
                 from them that rise up against me.  Be not
                 merciful to the wicked.  Laugh at them.
                 Let them make a noise like a dog.  Let
                 them wander up and down for meat.
                                                                        --Psalm 59

          VI.  The Psalmist saith, Lord, pour out thy
                 wrath upon the heathen and upon the
                 the kingdoms that have not called upon
                 thy name. And render unto our neighbors
                 seven fold into their bosoms their
                 reproach, wherewith they have reproached
                 thee.                                               --Psalm 79

        VII.  The Psalmist saith, O God, the mouth of the
                 wicked opened against me.  Let his days be
                 few.  Let his children be fatherless.  Let his
                 wife be a widow.  Let his children be 
                 vagabonds and beg.  Let their name be
                 blotted out.  Let this be the reward of mine
                 adversaries.                                   --Psalm 109

          Godpods, hear, read, read.  Did you even hear the
    like.  'Tis a hateful and shameful thing.  A revengeful
    heart cannot forgive.