Saturday, July 26, 2014

My Present Fancies---Good Old Abraham's Covenant

"...become as little children...."

     The Abrahamic Religions are bred in a
sepulchre--obsecration needing a father god.
Is Buddha a father God?  Was Zeus?  Were
the Olympians?  Are the Hindu Gods father

      The accursed Abrahamic Religion with
its muddled texts, hiding its grossness in fair
ornament, making its believers slaves,
vassals, and beggars---for what is prayer
but to beg?  "Our Father which art in
Heaven...."  Childish weakness!  Childish
fear of a causeless fantasy!

      Reason groans at it---stairs of sand
to a newly heaped burial mound.

       Mature in knowledge, other gods
allow their believers to be philosophers,
jurists, negotiators, entrepreneurs, and

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