Friday, November 15, 2013

Peace, Peace, Billy. Thou Talk'st of Nothing

"I've read the last page of the Bible.
It's all going to turn out all right."
                                 ---Billy Graham

                  The last pages of the Bible? Revelation,
   Billy?  Turns out all right?  Really, Billy,
            Billions of people killed by plagues
   and wild beasts.  Earthquakes, violent
   weather, lethal solar flares, red algae
   destroying all sea life, asteroid impacts.
   Really, Billy, really?
            Turning out all right in the end
   after a demonic army slaughters billions
   more?  Really, Billy, really?
             Not even a drink of fresh water
   for the suffering.  All ending in the 
   enslavement of the brainwashed GodPods
   by vainglorious YHWH.  All right in
   the end, really, Billy, really!
             Billy, thou talk'st of dreams
   which are the children of idle brains,
   begot of nothing but vain fantasy.

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