Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What's in a Name, O Pods of God?

A Tyrant by any other name...

     All will exalt his name.  For YHWH Jong-un is great.
He is to be feared above all leaders, for all other leaders are
impotent.  Psalm  34:3;96:1-9.

     Among the leaders there is none like YHWH Jong-un;
neither are there any actions like YHWH Jong-un's
actions. Psalm 86:8-10.

     YHWH Jong-un has done wonderful things.  His counsels
are forever true. Isaiah 25:1.

     YHWH Jong-un is to be feared above all leaders. 1Chronicles 16:23-29. 

     Who should not fear YHWH Jong-un?  Revelation 15:4.

                         Fie upon't!  For shame!

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