Alive or dead? Hear you, sir? Speak! |
Earthquake Opens Graves;
Green and Pale Zombies Roam Jerusalem Streets
--Jerusalem Times, Weekend Edition
I. Were the Saintly Zombies all of one sex,
or a mingle of males and females?
II. Did the Saintly Zombies walk around naked,
or were they draped with their shrouds?
III. Did the Saintly Zombies terrify their neighbors,
friends, and families by coming back
from the dead?
IV. Did the Saintly Zombies go home, or go back
to work, or resume the lives they had before
they died?
V. Did the Saintly Zombies have any conflicts
with their families over property or new
loves of their spouses?
VI. Did the Saintly Zombies go back to their
graves and rebury themselves?
VII. Why is there no mention of these Saintly
Zombies by Mark, Luke, John, Peter,
Paul, or the resurrected Jesus?
Paul says Resurrection is the cornerstone of
the message of Christ (1Corinthians 15:ff). But
Paul never sought out one of the Saintly Zombies
or anyone who knew them.
Flamen Paul who scolds against the quality
of flesh, and not believes himself. Never more
a false title plead!
Let this damn you, and ditches grave you all.
*Matthew 27:51-53