Saturday, August 11, 2012

Perchance--All's Well That Ends Well

Darkness Over All The Land
Seek Good Questions,
Not Bad Answers


           Western Civilization was without 
        Liberty and the Dark Ages shrouded 
       Europe.  And the Spirit of Liberty 
       moved upon the Darkness of Catholicism.
       And Western Man said Let there be
       Enlightenment.  And there was light
       for all. 

         And Western Man saw the
      Enlightenment--that it was good.  And
      Western Man divided the light from
      the darkness. And Western Man called
      the light science, and Western Man called
      the darkness religion.

         And it has come to pass that mankind is 
      fruitful where the light of science
      banishes the darkness of religion.
      But the shadow of religion lingers
      in the dark corners of ignorance--threatening
      the light of the world.

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