Sunday, May 13, 2012

Yahweh Prick'd Out Man for Women's Pleasure

     "No State shall make or enforce 
any Law that diminishes the definition
of marriage as only between one human
being possessing a natural penis and
one human being possessing a natural

     Before my God, done in reverent care of
marriage.  The Constitution will deny seeming
men and unseemly women--fishified flesh that
cracks nuts.  Only a natural vagina and a mountain
of manly flesh can claim a marriage.

     The State Department allows changing the
gender designation on a birth certificate to a
free choice of gender on an American passport as
of June MMX.  This act troubles the bed of blessed
marriage which is of more worth than law.  I am
thought-sick at the act.

     Before my God, I might not this believe without
the sensible and true avouch of my own eyes.  A man
by any other name is not a man if without a
God-given penis.  A woman by any other name is
is not a woman if without a God-given vagina.

     Deny this marriage, for if you do not, the rites
and bonds of marriage will be dishonored.  Marriage
is honorable even in a beggar.

     Lure the penis; bed the vagina; wed the genitalia.
One house, one feast of placenta stew and crystal
flutes of boy-piss, one mutual happiness.  Male
and Female Yahweh created them--Adam and Lilith.

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